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Worship Services

Join us for worship for a moment of respite from the busyness of life.

Weekly Services


8:00 am Eucharist
9:30 am Church School
9:30 am Sung Eucharist

Our main services of worship are the Sunday morning Eucharists at 8:00 am and 9:30 am.

The 8:00 am service is a quiet said service. 

The 9:30 am service has music and hymns. During the 9:30 am service the children are also invited to join the Church School following the children’s story. There is an area in the Church for the children to colour pictures or to read books that are available. We gather for fellowship and refreshments after the 9:30 am service.Church


10:30 am Eucharist
Each Wednesday we gather in the Chapel for 10:30 am.  This service of the Eucharist (Holy Communion) includes hymns and a reflection.

The Rev. Chung Yan Lam and The Ven. Kathryn Otley

Other Services

Holden Evening Prayer, Taizé Prayer Service, and Singing Justice

Third Sunday of each month (from September to June) at 4:30 pm.
Between September and June, our community engages ecumenical liturgies and worship styles to broaden our spiritual practices and knowledge. The liturgies are filled with music from faith communities around the world, often challenging to sing with the peoples of the world in their heart languages and heart songs. Honouring diversity and unity at the same time, we pray as one body in Christ, with the wideness of God’s grace.

Jazz Vespers

First Sunday of each month (from October to June) at 4:30 pm.
Jazz Vespers is a special service that joins together wonderful jazz music played by local musicians and a quiet time of prayer and reflection

Centering Prayer

Chapel of the Holy SpiritThursdays, 4:30 – 5:30 pm
Program: Two 20 minute periods of Centering Prayer with a short walking meditation in-between.
Contact: Susan Kehoe,
(613) 725-9878

Contemplative Spirituality is an ancient Christian path to transformation, rooted in the wisdom of the Desert Fathers and Mothers, lived by the mystics over the ages.

The Centering Prayer method opens and deepens our awareness of the Presence, Action, and Grace of the Divine in our lives, and is rooted in the teachings of Fr. Thomas Keating and other Wisdom teachers such as Cynthia Bourgeault, Richard Rohr, and John Philip Newell. 

The chapel itself is of interest for its architectural renown and historic significance. The stained glass windows, artistic wall hangings, and spiritual music add to the ambiance of this very spiritual place. 

May those who enter these hallowed walls experience the presence of the Holy Spirit in whatever form it is acceptable to them, and bring them a sense of comfort and peace.


The Chapel of the Holy Spirit

A Little Peace and Quiet?
Amidst  the noise of Richmond Road is an oasis of quiet. On the north edge of the All Saints’ Courtyard at 347 Richmond Road, you’ll find the Chapel of the Holy Spirit which is now open on weekdays (except Tuesdays) for quiet reflection.  The door is open from 12  noon to 1:30 p.m. Come, and be still.